Director Leaders
Welcome to ICMind – Mine of Infinite Revolution…!!!
We need to understand that sustainable growth can be achieved only by committing ourselves to macro level growth strategies that would encompass the bottom 80% of the population and not just the top 20%. This conscientious approach would make a growth rate of 12% per-capita per annum possible. A growth rate of 12% per capita per annum would imply that India can beat U.S.A. in terms of purchasing power parity within the next 25 to 30 years and become economically the strongest country in the world. For this, the Government of India needs to support the Indian organizations with suitable pro-people & pro-India policies, which would help Indian organizations in becoming stronger to compete in the world market successfully.
In the light of globalization of the Indian economy and capitulation of Indian brands, it is imperative for tomorrow’s leaders to be aware of the above mentioned facts, so that they can face the emerging global challenges of international markets with confidence, while remaining committed to remove massive poverty of Indian masses within a generation. While some wealthy nations enjoy the luxury of material of plenty, the fact remains that more than twice the number of people killed in the 2nd world war die every year of hunger and curable diseases. And yet we fail to realize that unrestricted satisfaction of all desires is not conducive to human well being! Nor is it the way to happiness, or for that matter, even maximum pleasure!! When the wealthy nations today talk of ‘being one’ with the rest of the world, and of concepts of global village, their talks simply border on hypocrisy.
The time has come for India to lead the way in showing that this carnage can be stopped with the help of determined leadership and long term committed vision. The Indian managers need to develop a strong vision for their companies, and most importantly, for the people who work for them, apart from having sense of commitment for the country, great motivational skills and leadership qualities. Future leaders must be aware of this and not remain intellectually handicapped. ICMind strives for these commitments and continuously endeavors to educate its students and clients on these issues with the belief that sooner than later, structured economic independence can be achieved through a coordinated efforts…!
Courses Philosophy
You may please refer to ICMind philosophy, detailed message from Dean, Director, Management, Trustees, Professors, students and members of ICMind Group.
- The Movement – Redefining Revolution Process Globally.
- Universal Humanism: The social vision of ICMind.
- The Leader in Management Education
- The Underlying Philosophy of the Programs Taught
The Movement – Redefining Revolution Process Globally.
As you take your first step in here and walk down the corridors of knowledge, you will realize that you have entered a place which is full of life. It is a place which breathes of freshness, a place which embraces one and all as a unified family, a place which is highly dynamic, robust and youthful. It is a place which has transformed from being a seat of higher education to being an academic movement. Yes, ICMind will surely become one of the top ranking organization with the delivery customized products, services and professionals to the society. It will associates with the best of foreign institutions and engages the leaders of management education from the world over for the movement. ICMind is also leading to a mass movement which encompasses academic intellectualism, social commitment and political vision.
As a student, you also become a part of this great movement which is committed towards human welfare and development, social justice and poverty alleviation, through academic researches, socio-economic activities and selfless voluntary services. In other words, universal humanism is the social vision of ICMind.
The Leader in Education
The cornerstone vision of commitment to remove the massive poverty of the Indian masses within a generation and that can be achieved by the new generation of globally competent entrepreneurial managers molded by the most preciously intellectually stimulating course in India. The intensive program with focus on flexible Academic Global Exposure, World class Faculty and a curriculum focused on learning outcomes & personality transformation makes ICMind programs the most ‘Logically Inspiring’ in India. DMS, PGMX, EMBA, MBA, PGDBM etc… courses are uniquely designed for providing a wider coverage than any other general management institutes.
The Underlying Philosophy of Programs Taught
ICMind believes that sustainable growth can only be achieved in the Indian economy when growth strategies cater to the bottom 80% of the population and not just the top 20%. The time has come for India to lead the way in the world and the Indian managers need to develop a strong vision for their companies and help them compete in the world markets while accelerating market growth, to make India economically the strongest country in the world. This is the breed of future leaders and managers that ICMind wants to create, those who are aware of the challenges and do not remain intellectually handicapped.
The ICMind programs and the experience are the springboard that will propel this revolution forward and every student at ICMind is an integral part of it.