Our Vision - Your Success

ICMind with international recognition and presence shall provide seamless access to sustainable and learner-centric quality education, skill up-gradation and training to all by using innovative technologies and methodologies and ensuring convergence of existing systems for massive human resource required for promoting integrated national development and global understanding.

Objectives are reflected in the formulated VISION of ICMind:

        • Seamless quality education for all: With international accreditation, associations, registrations, memberships and presence shall provide seamless access to sustainable and learner-centric quality education, skill up-gradation and training to all by using innovative technologies and methodologies and ensuring convergence of existing systems for large-scale human resource development, required for promoting integrated national development and global understanding.
        • The ICMind Group of Institutes has made a significant mark in the areas of higher education, community education and continual professional development. The ICMind strive to establish networking with reputed public institutions and private enterprises for enhancing the educational opportunities being offered by it.
        • To surface as a world leader in education and achieve top ranking recognition from Government, Semi-Government, Non-Government, National and international organizations.
        • The ICMind is committed to quality in teaching, research, training and extension activities, and acts as a prime resource Centre for expertise and infrastructure in the ODL (Open and Distance Learning) system.
        • To focus on specific learner groups and enrich the distance learning system.
        • ICMind is under process of establishment of center for extension education, disability studies.
        • The Distance Education Council (DEC) helps in regulating and maintaining the ODL system in the country thus ICMind strive to achieve recognition from DEC as well as national awards from DEC for best performance in the ODL system throughout the world.
        • To ushered in a new era of technology-enabled education in the country. Establishing active two-way video-conferencing centers. To provide with network connectivity to all the regional centers and high enrollment study centers that can make it possible to transact interactive digital content.
        • Emphasis is to be laid on developing interactive multimedia and online learning, and adding value to the traditional distance education delivery mode with modern technology-enabled education within the framework of blended learning.
        • Establishment of regular campus throughout India and abroad for delivery of full time education. As part of this endeavor (attempts), major programs / subjects to be offered in full-time on campus, at the headquarters, some regional centers and at other institutions of repute with which ICMind has agreements for this purpose.
        • The ICMind also has to establish considerable international presence. It encourages and funds the participation of its faculty in international conferences and seminars, and organizes several international conferences too. To arrange for regular visits of foreign scholars, for delivering lectures or to interact with faculty.
        • ICMind strive to develop its own copyrighted educational and development material. It also has plans to allow copyright / permission to selective national & foreign institutions to adapt / adopt / utilize its learning materials, apart from offering its academic programs across the world through partnership arrangements.
        • ICMind has to live up to the country’s expectations of providing education to the marginalized sections of society. Free of cost or economical education is to be being provided to all jail inmates across the country. A large number of weaker sections of society and below poverty line (BPL) students have to be admitted to various specifically defined & designed programs of ICMind.
        • ICMind has plans to tie-up with various international educational and corporate organizations for state of art in quality applied education with innovative scientific approach. Such programs can be launched in collaboration with the various international educational and corporate organizations.

Mission Infinite Revolution

To advance frontiers of knowledge and promote its dissemination through sustainable Open and Distance Learning systems, seamlessly accessible to all, including those hitherto un-reached, from among whom the leaders and innovators of tomorrow will emerge, the ICMind shall:

      • Strengthen the development of the ICMind Resource Centre as a proactive role model for high-quality and learner-centric Open and Distance Learning system;
      • Share professional capabilities and resources to improve standards of distance education in the country;
      • Periodically assess regional accredit institutions & franchises of ICMind to promote centers of excellence in the country.
      • Develop networks, using emerging technologies and methods, with global reach for effective program delivery.
      • Provide an intelligent and flexible system of education to meet the challenges of access and equity, and work towards development of a knowledge society.
      • Forge convergence of all systems and work for seamless education across national boundaries to develop global collaboration and partnership.
      • Take education to the hitherto un-reached and promote community participation for local development through life-coping skills.
      • Provide specific need-based education and training opportunities for continuous professional development and skill up-gradation to in-service professionals; and
      • Strive towards continuous development of methods and strategies for research and development for generation of knowledge in frontier areas.

Strategic Plan

The Management has designed strategic plan for achievement of the entire vision & mission as stated above.