At ICMind we are of the opinion that it is the second and third party and outsiders who determines the required quality standards. Securing an ISO Certification and Quality certification as just a certificate to show and indicate the standards (to be) followed is not sufficient, rather actual quality in all aspects and area are most important from establishment, regular operations, expansion growth, achievement of ultimate mission objectives and ultimate vision goals and even beyond that to remain and maintain the top level position.

Total Quality Management is and will remain the highest priority in all areas of operations. The Prime objective of the institution will be to impart world class physical and mental attributes of education and inculcate in its pupils the sense of responsibility towards attaining coherence of their thoughts and actions so as to make them fit to learn and practice morality and educe their inherent leadership qualities towards producing a galaxy of adorned and serene personalities relevant to growth and progress of a dynamic society.

The ICMind will have to make strenuous efforts to earn & sustain credibility by continuously improving the quality of learning materials, student support services and upgrading the system of professional development and assessment of academic and non-academic staff. This will go with encouraging adopting a holistic management strategy.

Establishment of Quality Systems

Establishment of quality assurance system with continuous evaluation and monitoring to impart the best education to create ambiance of excellence, recognizing the multicultural diversity and commitment to transform and assimilate the excellent in education and value system.

At ICMind we are committed to make the institution a hallmark in management education for learning, practice and knowledge, to raise the quality of education to global standards, fulfilling the needs and expectations of the students, parents, business and industry, and keeping up the best standards of corporate governance. We target to achieve this by an approach which includes following prime defined variables of the quality policy.

 Environment that stimulates academic & value learning for all.

    •  Professional Environment: The Institute ensures that its premises, academics and facilities meet the needs of one of the best in the B-school community.
    • Transparency:
      The Institute will ensure that relevant information is accessible to stakeholders. A quality ethos must be embedded in a culture of openness and transparency.
    • Human Resources:
      Every effort will be made to recruit and retain the staff required to ensure the delivery of a quality education service and research.
    • Committee Structure:
      Operating a committee structure that will deal most effectively with maintaining and improving the quality of education provided, which also promotes participation in decision making.
    • Standard Settings:
      Institute generates and collates all necessary data in order to monitor critical quality indicators e.g. entry points, continuous assessment results, examination results, completion rates, learner feedback, extern examiners’ reports, course reports, external periodic reviews and employment feedback.
    • Research:
      The Institute’s policy document “Research, consultancy, training and services to industry” outlines policy in this area to strengthen on the fundamental issues of applied economics. Establish a research and consultancy organization and increase external research collaboration.
    • Academic Council oversees:
      The Institute through its Quality Policy sets out to establish a coherent framework for enhancing the quality of education, research and training provided and showing that standards are safeguarded. The Academic Council oversees the monitoring and review of the Quality Aspects and the associated quality assurance procedures.
    • Innovation:
      ICMind ensures quality education by meeting and exceeding students’ expectations by providing innovative teaching and learning practices.
    • Continuous Improvement:
      ICMind is committed towards continuous improvement in the processes adopted in transforming students into competent management, research and technical professionals. The student can be from any category Top Management, Senior Management, Middle Management, Junior Management, Other,  Client / Customers / Students / Corporate, Government, Semi-Govt., NGOs, Society
    • Total Quality Management:
      The quality management must reflect in the form of quality objectives, quality process and procedure, quality services, form establishment to operations to expansion growth ICMind, through high-quality self-learning material and innovative programs, has established itself as a leading education provider – at par with other national and international institutions of higher learning.

Dissemination & Implementation

Dissemination and Implementation:
Quality policy dissemination and implementation is practiced through various levels of academic and administrative profiling and responsibility. Various academic positions are formed to bear the academic administration and ensure the meet set standards and improve continuously. Above all positions and committees working within the functional groups, Academic Council is the apex body for all such matters, which also make summary and proposal submission to the Board of Governors.

Our Pledge

Our Pledge – ICMind Group:
“We are are Proud to be a team member & as a team of ICMind professionals  and Committed to comply with the requirements and continual improvement in the effectiveness of Quality Management System”